233 results found
Add the ability to change the locations, of multiple items, at one time
As a manager it would be nice to globally change locations of items that are being moved all at once?
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Add a permission that allows a user to view other indivdual's Schedule.
As a user with this permission, I would have to option to choose a specific user to view:
1) All of their calls in a specific production. If I have the Admin "Show All Productions" permission, I should be able to see all of their calls.
2) All of their Conflicts.0 votes -
Include names of recipients in sent messages
When sending Notes and Discussions, it would be good to have an option for including the names of who the note was sent to so the recipients can know who else got the note.
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It would be nice if clicking on the parent folder would automatically reveal the specific sub-folders.
When a user clicks on the main folder "Production Designs, you would like the sub-folder list to automatically expand.
-It would expand to show the "Sets" folder without clicking the arrow.
-If the user clicked the open arrow, the sub-folders would be hidden.0 votes -
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On Contact sheets: have the User's name linked to the profile page.
Users with the Permission to edit Other's Profiles, should be able to access the profiles from the contact sheet.
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Add a Video viewer to VCB
It would be useful if there was a video viewer in VCB. This would be similar to the PDF and Image viewers.
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Keep Me Logged in/New Password issue.
When Resetting a user's password, the system should disengage the "Keep me logged in " setting. We need to make sure people are not getting trapped with the new password.
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Customize Report Font style
The request is to change the Font style of all of the data fields for an entire Report template rather than just in each field.
0 votesCurrently, it is only possible to change the font in the fields individually.
Add the ability to BULK edit reservations from the "Reservation" report page
This would allow the editing of multiple reservations at the same time.
- Consider how to handle reservations with different:
Need by Dates, Need Until Dates, Available Quantities during the time frame, users reserving, productions.0 votes -
Need to improve the text to background color relationship
Some of the background colors have white text, even when the background color is lighter.
"The Background color turquoise has a font color that is white."
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Notes: Add a VirtualCallboard-Production permission option to prevent the user from sending a Note on the Notes & Email
This would allow the site admin to regulate which users (by Production) can send notes to general users.
All users would still have access to the [Message to Manager] button on the dashboard.
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Discussion: Add a VirtualCallboard-Production permission option to prevent the user from replying to a Discussion they are a part of
This would be a "Read Only" type of user.
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Add the ability to export my inventory lists into a CSV, or a PDF.
This listing would list ID number, Name, Quantity, Category, Replacement value, date acquired, and maybe the location.
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Consider Adding the ability to Move multiple items to a different Category.
-Go to Inventory > Search and Check Out > List View
-Select the boxes next to the Items you would like to move to a different Category
--Notice there is no way to move items to different Category. (You must edit each item individually and change the category and save the change.As a Manager of certain Categories, I would like the option to move more than one item at a time to a different category,
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Consider Adding the ability to Move multiple items to a different Location/Position.
-Go to Inventory > Search and Check Out > List View
-Select the boxes next to the Items you would like to move to a different Location/Position.
--Notice there is no way to move items to different Location/Position. (You must edit each item individually and change the Location/Position and save the change.As a Manager of certain Categories, I would like the option to move more than one item at a time to a different Location/Position,
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Design auto-text inserts to reduce repetitive typing
It is a nightmare scrolling up and down in REPORTS . Can a "layout" option be included to allow full use of my desktop screen (NOT IN THE PRINTED OR FINAL VERSION) so `i could have say six Department Boxes visible at one time lessening the scrolling and increasing productivity .
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Custom Item labels: Ability for site admins to set the info to be printed on item labels
Options to include:
-Item Name
-Location (full sting)0 votes
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