Schedule: COLOR codes for Productions & Spaces
Add the ability to switch between Color Code viewing
-Add the ability to set a Color Code for each Production
-Add the ability to set a Color Code for each Space

We are looking into this. We are also considering the option of Colors for Spaces too. Would this be helpful?
Gary Olsen commented
New user. And yes color coding by production would be a great addition. In only the first week I've had users struggle to pick out which show a call is associated with.
Angel commented
Yes!!!! PLEASE! Color codes for SPACES instead of TYPES of calls!!
Pat Nims commented
This would be nice to have. Show colors could be selected in production administration. Then when looking at the schedule, a user could toogle between Call Type, Production and Space color coding.
Nick commented
Would that be in addition to the colors by type of call? How would the type of call and the show color mesh?