Add Conflicts to the Detail page.
Add a section to list user Conflicts
-Show this section to users that have the VCB permission "Manage Conflicts for Another User."
-Show the user's name and the date and time of the conflict. Do Not show conflict details.
This feature is available to use now.
When viewing call details, we now list any users that have conflicts at that time.
Lindsay Hyatt commented
Isaac Holton commented
This would be a helpful function for once a call was built.
This might be a seperate idea, but the only other thing I would do is make it so that when you were building a call and are at the list of people to add to the call, a mark on each person indicating if they are available for the entire time would be amazing. As simple as a red or green dot next to their name based on the already selected dates and times. Then you could see the usual detail when you selected "Find Available Users".