Ability to check in multiple items at once
Currently, you are able to check out multiple items at a time, but there isn't an option to check multiple items in at the same time. The ability to do this would save a lot of time in the check in process.
From the “Items Checked Out” report, implement the build check in capability:
In the check in dialog, list each item being checked in.
—Users must check in all quantity that was check out (this may change in the future)
—Comments can be the same for all items being checked in.
Janelle commented
It would also be helpful to be able to multi-click check out and check in items from the Card view. I mostly check out based on item photos, as it is more difficult to check items out just by a number alone.
Makayla Veatch commented
There is an option to check out multiple items at a time on the List view, but not an option to check in multiple items. This would make the check in process go much faster if you could just select what you needed to check in and only have to hit the check in button once rather than going through the check in process multiple times.