Make Call Notifications smarter
Monitor the changes that are being made, the react to that with special notifications.
Here are some of the things we are considering:
-This call was Canceled/Deleted
-When editing the notes or location of a call: Send an email notifying the Called Users of the changes.
-When editing an Open Call's date and/or time, send emails to the Call's users based on their status.
-You were removed from the call
-Add the ability to send and email when a Scheduled Call item is updated/edit or delete - the message should show the OLD info and NEW info in email.
We are happy to announce we are launching intelligent call notifications later this week. We look forward to you trying it out and providing additional feedback! Thanks!
Connie Beard commented
Would love these features.
Pat Nims commented
I like all of these.
Pat Nims commented
Love all of the above.