Check multiple items -out by scanning the QR code (like a shopping cart).
Add a "Multiple Item" Check -Out mode
1) Set up the cart: Select the User, Production, and Return date.
2) Scan the QR code of the desired item.
a) Have a "Confirm" option appear. [Add to Cart/Next] [Add to Cart/Go to Check Out]
[Ignore/Return to Scan].
b) If the item has a quantity greater than one, prompt the user to decide how many
they would like to check out.
3) Once the [Add to Cart/Go to Check Out] is selected, display a list of all of the selected items. and the details of who the list is being Checked Out to.
a) (Do we need the option to remove items from the list?)
b) Have "Confirm" Options. [Check Out] [Return to Selection Mode] [Cancel Cart]
[Save as Cart as Draft]
Todd Kulik commented
I think you absolutely need an option to remove items to the list.
Todd Kulik commented
It would be really helpful for this sort of functionality to be with reservations as well.
We haven't added the function to scan yet, but we just released the ability to check in multiple items at once with the check boxes.
We are going to start the Scan workflow soon. Thanks to everyone for their feedback.
Jason Romney commented
2a and 2b seem like speed bumps. Certainly the option to enter a quantity would be nice but ideally I should be able to just scan, scan, scan, and have each item added automatically. Kind of like the grocery store.
Jason Romney commented
A similar process for checking in as well.
Jason Romney commented
Yes, this would really help! Perhaps also the option to manually enter the item ID to add an item to the cart. I'm having a hard time envisioning how we are going to do a shop pull for a sound system using the current method of checking one item out at a time.
Jennessa commented
anyway to utilize barcodes as well?