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As a user you can change the default way you would like to view the Schedule

Each User can set and edit the default way they view the site's Schedule. 
  • The Default Tab dictates which Calls are displayed, when the schedule is selected (just the User's Calls and Conflicts or to ALL Calls) Managers and Admins can see the conflicts of the other users in their productions. Conflicts can be filtered out.
  • The Default View dictates which view is displayed, when the schedule is selected. (Month, Week, Week List, Day, List)

Setting up the Default Schedule view.

1. Go to your name in the top right > My Account > Basic Information and Photo.

2. Use the picker to select "My Calls" or "All Calls".

3. Use the picker to select "Month", "Week", "Week (List)", "Day", "List". 

4. Click on the Save Changes button.

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