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Add/Edit/Delete Virtual Folders for File Sharing?

Administrators (L4) users can add, edit, and delete Folders. Managers (L3) and Contributors (L2) can add Folders, but cannot delete them. 

1. Go to the "File Sharing" tab

2. Click on "Upload File"

3. Scroll down to the Folders line and click the gear icon to the right to launch the "Manage Folders" window

4. To edit, select the desired Folder and click the pencil icon/Edit button.
5. To delete, select the desired Folder and click the "X" icon/Delete button (you will be prompted to select a 6. Folder into which to move the contents of the deleted folder)
7. To add, scroll down and click "Add Folder" (an "Add" window will pop up; save when complete)

8. When you have finished working with the Folders, scroll to the top and click the "X" to close the window.

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