Adding a Conflict
Note: The system checks the user's availability when they are adding conflicts, it will let them know if they are already scheduled for a existing Call. It will not let them add a conflict if they are already schedulde for something else.
1. Go to Schedule > Availability

2. Select the user you want to add the conflict for. the Default option will be the one creating the conflict.
3. Click Add Conflict

4. Enter the title of the, if left blank it will default to "Conflict."
5. Checking the Private box prevents anyone else from seeing the Title or Notes associated with this conflict. Managers and Admins are only able to see a listing of the timeframes and the title will show as "Conflict."
6. Private notes can be useful to you. You can leave notes for Mangers of your productions and Admins, by not checking the Private box.
7. You can block out entire days or set specific time ranges.
8. Click Save to complete the addition.

9. Choose what to do next
- Add Similar keeps all of the information you entered the same, including the Date & Time. Make sure you edit the timeframe.
- Add New will open a new blank Conflict modal, returning the timeframe back to the current date.
- Return to list will take you to the page you were last on.

A Manager (L3) or Administrator (L4) can add conflicts for other users.