Add Multiple Users at once
Adding a group of Users
1. Go to Administration > User Administration.
2. Click on the Import Users from CSV button.
3. You can create a CSV file from scratch or get a template by clicking the Click here to download a CSV template link. (You may be able to generate a CSV from your current email program or from your organizations user database. If so, make sure that the field order matches ours.)
- Each row will need the first name, last name, email address, and the desired user level (1-4).
- Use your computer's file browser to find and select the CSV file.
- The system will run a check for repeats in each of the values. You will see the double page icon next to a repeated value.
- Assess the marked entries, if any exist. If there appears to be a user duplication, you can remove the entry by clicking the X button to the right. If it is in fact a valid entry, do nothing to leave it on the list.
- The system will automatically insert the site link and information the new users will need to get registered.
- The system will automatically generate usernames and passwords for each user.
- You should see a success message and a list of all of your created users.
- Administrators (L4) can access the new users by setting the Production filter to All Productions (use the search field to quickly find the new users.
- Select the Edit button for the desired user.
- Managers (L3) can now add the user to the productions of which they are a part.
- Go to Administration > Production Administration.
- Add the new user to the desired productions.