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Set your site's Time Preferences

Only users with the Administrative - Common permission: Modify Site Settings can access the Site Administration tab/functions.

Setting up the Time Zone & Time Format

1. Go to Administration > Site Administration Time Preferences.
2. Use the picker to select the time zone that matches your Organization's location.
  • The primary US time zones are positioned at the top of the list.
  • Other common time zones are organized by region, then by city.
  • Type to filter is enabled for this selector.
3. Checking the box Force all users to use site time zone setting, will impose the same Time Zone to all users of your site.
  1. The Force all users to use site time zone setting is often used by Touring Companies, to insure their Users are viewing the schedule in the local time zone.
4. Use the picker to select the desired time format. (12 hour or 24 hour)
  • This format will be used as the default on the site as well as in any messages or reports that are generated.
  • Users can set their own default preference, from their profile, which will override the site setting.
5. Click on the Save Changes button.

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