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Open Calls: User Signed up notifications

Open Call Update notifications: Site administrators can manage the type of Open notifications that are sent/received. These are site-wide selections that apply to all productions. The two types of email updates that can be sent are: 
  1. Notify when users signup for an open call [A message is sent every time someone signs up for a call. This is helpful to track the progress of users signing up for a call with multiple slots available.]
  2. Notify when an open call is filled [A message is sent once there are no longer any slots to sign up for. If you have both options 1 & 2 set, when the user signs up for the last slot, you'll get both messages.] 
The three options for each of these notifications are to send a message to:
  • The Production's Manager(s). [These users are assigned from the Production Administration tab, each VirtualCallboard production has the option "Designate Managers"]
  • Only the Call Creator
  • None [no message will be sent.
To adjust these settings go to Administration>Site Administration> Notifications.

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