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Add StageStock Items - from Website

Users with the Administrative - StageStock permission role: Administrators and Managers can add an ITEM to the Categories in which they have this permission for. Adding Items

Create an Item from the Inventory tab on the website

(The item creation is can be very detailed or just a few bits of information. There are only a few fields required for Item creation. Required fields will have an asterisk * next to the number. 
1. Go to Inventory > Search and Check Out tab
2. Click the Add Item button.

3. *Add the name of the item.

4. *Select the Category from the list of the site-specified ones you have permissions for. (Category Creation by the Site's Administrators.)

5. Select the Condition from the list of the site-specified ones. (Conditions are set by the Site's Administrators.)

6. *You can either allow the system to assign the ID number (next number in the sequence), or assign your own. Self-assigned IDs can be comprised of Alpha, Numeric, ".", and "-" .

7. Enter the description of your Item. Clicking the small down arrow opens the advanced text editor, to aid in clarifying your description. 

8. *Set the Item's Visibility. 
(Description of visibility options: 
  • Internal - These items are visible to everyone in the organization that is assigned to the category. 
  • Restricted - these Items are only visible to users that have the permission "View Restricted Items"
  • Shared Publicly - these items are visible by all of your organization's users assigned to the Category. (FUTURE ENHANCEMENT: Outside User with Public & Private Permission.)
  • Shared Privately - these items are visible by all of your organization's users assigned to the Category. (FUTURE ENHANCEMENT: Outside User with Private Permission.)

9. *Set if the Item may be Altered or not. 

You can also add notes for the Alterations. These notes can be set as Private. 

10. Assign a Replacement Value. You can also add notes for the Replacement Value. These notes can be set as Private. 

11. Set the Rental Value and the fee period. You can also add notes for the Rental Value. These notes can be set as Private.

12. You can manually enter the name of the Item's Designer 

13. Choose the Date the Item was acquired. By default, the <TODAY'S DATE> 

14. You can assign a Vendor to the item. (Vendors can be created by the Site's Administrators and Managers.)

15. You can Add/Create as many Description Tags as you want. When you click into the field, existing tags in the system will be displayed. As you type, the tag list will be filtered as you go.

16. You can set the storage location(Locations are set by the Site's Administrators and Managers.)

17. Upload Images: You can add as many Images as you need. You can assign the primary image that will be displayed as the cover.

18. You can add as many Non-images as needed. 

19. Clicking the [Save Changes] button to create the Item.

20. Once the Item is created you can choose what to do next.
  • Add New - Open a fresh new Item modal, without any entered info
  • Add Similar - Opens the Duplicate Item modal to choose which fields to copy.
  • Return to List - Take you back the Item Seach and Check Out page.
  • View Item - Open the Item's detail page.

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